Sunday, May 3, 2009

I'm so tired...

Since I have a job that allows for a life now I signed up for a Birkram yoga class. Birkram yoga is the kind where you do 26 poses in a 5000 degree room for an hour and a half. Just got back from my second class and a feel great but exhausted. I did managed to stay in the room both the first and second time, and this time was definitely easier. My goal is to go again on tuesday.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

New Job, new laptop, new house?

Today was such a beautiful day that I went wandering around the Mission, and ended up in Noe Valley. I found a great old table at garage sale and the guy was willing to deliver it. Granted it needs a little TLC but it will work great for a home office.

Also I found the perfect place to live...just need 1.6 million dollars.

The view from the deck is amazing. And the realtor was really cute.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

coincidences upon coincidences

Today was the first day of 4 days of vendor training. I learned a great deal and am really excited about this product. Maybe I'm just falling into the cult, but it seems really really cool.

I just happened to sit next to a guy from Accenture out of the Chicago office. We had a nice chat and everything. Then, on the way home I saw a guy at the bus stop with an accenture laptop case. We got to chatting--turns out we were in the same group, out of the same office and have been to the same corporate and networking events. We probably have met before, we both had the "you look familiar..." feeling.

Guess I can't get away from accenture...ever...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Back in the workforce

Today was my first day at the new job! Right now its a little overwhelming...unlike my previous employer, I'm not in a start group--just the new girl. Due to a serendipitous coincidence, they're going to send me to a vendor training for the rest of the week, so on top of everything I get to learn a whole new platform. Fun! But it is somewhat comforting that they're willing to sink a good chunk of change into me right up front.

Anyway, got my cube today. Its least 10' by 10'. This might sound sad, but I'm really excited about having my own space, and so much of it. All the projects I've worked on had me in shared workspaces. Ok this does sound pretty sad, but I'm excited about decorating my cube.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

difference between an engineer and a non-engineer

A non engineer, upon realizing she has left a tube of chapstick in her sweatshirt on the radiator will remove the tube and wait for it to cool off before opening it. An engineer will feel how warm it is and still open it to verify the state of the contents. Btw, chapstick melts into a liquid form, yet also dries extremely fast. Especially when its all over the floor.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Good News!

I have a new job!

I'm starting at a technology consulting company next Monday! I'll be working on a project to develop a website with automated form submission for Hawaii Electric! These forms will allow customers to monitor the electrical efficiency. Unfortunatly, no, free trips to Hawaii are not planned at this point.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Almost out of here

Today's my last day, and I've gone through everything except giving back the laptop. I might not be online a great deal in the next few days, depending on when fedex delivers the new laptop.